
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 10 | Elizabeth Dittman

Today I got to go to the church. Let me just say, praise the Lord for Logan and Kenton! If it wasn’t for them, I probably would’ve fallen out of the truck! Once we got to the church, I got greeted by these little kids who were probably the cutest kids I have ever seen!! I can’t remember their names, but I had so much fun with them. I also got to work at VBS, and I was a line leader for the grey group. It was such a blessing to get to work with all the kids and see them smiling and laughing. I can’t wait until I get to go back Tuesday! Oh, I just remembered one of the little girls’ names. Her name was Linda. She was an ornery one too. She wasn’t as ornery today from what Allie and Emily told me about her yesterday. I can’t wait till tomorrow when I get to go to church and then sleep all day! I miss all my family and friends! Mom, text Cody and tell him I said hi and that I miss him and that I hope he’s having fun in Tennessee.


  1. I have been keeping in touch with Cody. He seemed realized to find out you were ok and enjoying yourself.
    I am so proud of the work you are doing. I'm 1 proud mama- got Brent and no you going to help people God has placed on your hearts!
    We love you and we miss you a lot. Can't wait to hear all about things when you get back.

  2. Love from the cruise ship in the Pacific Ocean from Aunt Ronna and Nana...we miss you!

  3. Elizabeth, I was blessed by your sharing your mission experience tonight during our Skype session at church. It was so good to see all of you. Keep up the Lord's work there. Love and prayers.
