
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 4 | Miranda Riffle

Today was day four, which was out off day due to it being Sunday. Church this morning was long, but good. The hardest part was trying to keep attention without understanding anything that was being said—the one thing that was easy for us to pick up on was how often they thanked and praised Jesus. It was pretty cool to listen to them sing as well, and they were really good. After church some of us napped and I got woke up to go on the hike. All I have to say about the hike is NEVER AGAIN. We apparently went on one of the hardest trails and had multiple near death experiences—I learned real quick that my tennis shoes are not good for hiking up the side of mountains. Overall the hike was exhausting and I got bit the most (it looks like I have chicken pox), but it was very pretty. The waterfalls we got to see were awesome and we even got to witness people washing their clothes and cutting their gardens—everyone was very friendly and told us ‘Good afternoon’ as we went by. I am pretty sure that some of them were laughing at us (me) as well because man, am I out of shape but that’s okay. I will be sore tomorrow but I got some good pictures, can now say I survived a hike in Haiti and got the opportunity to see all of the beauty that God has created. Tomorrow will be a new day of new of bumps and bruises (hopefully no more bites) but I can’t wait to see the finished product of our work as we get closer each day!

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