
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 7 | Bill Morlan

Well, week one has come to an end. What a first week. Today we had the house dedication and it was outstanding. The family was so very grateful and you could tell that they apprecitated it. We finished yesterday and it usually takes about 7 days before they can move in. But they stayed in it last nite which is unheard of. They have moved in. They now have a place to call home and a permanent place to live. The second group made it safely to the motel tonite and I can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow. It will be sad to see this group leave because of how good they worked together. Today was also bartering day. It was fun to watch the kids and adults barter. Some of them were very good and then there is Vicki. This week has been a lot of laughs and some awesome memories were made. Tonight we are just sitting around playing games and laughing. We spent about an hour making up new sifting songs, sifting pickup lines and so on. We were laughing way to hard. It was a great time. This week’s house will be harder because it is out in the rocks and there is no shade. We will be in the direct sunlight all day. We will also finish the church this week. Pray for us as this will be a tough week. Love ya Bron, boys and my girls

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