
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 4 | Becka

Today is Sunday and I stayed home from church as I developed a cough along with my ear infection. I’m happy to say that it is the evening time now and I am feeling MUCH better. My ear pain is significantly less than it was and I’m hoping to be on the work site tomorrow. Eric and I spent most of the day working on video editing. The first video was posted today and hopefully we will be able to load some more, I know everyone is looking forward to seeing them. We are having a great time here. Eric took me on a walk around the compound today (I missed the tour on the first day). Haiti is a very beautiful place, I feel so blessed to be here. There is something so peaceful about being here. There are a few gardens we walked through and saw tomatoes, lettuce and peppers growing. He also walked me by a workshop where they build infant coffins. That was really quite sad to see those little coffins. I have to say the highlight of my trip so far was yesterday (Saturday); I sat at the worksite and wasn’t working due to my ear infection. A little girl came over to me and started talking to me in French Creole. She was about 6 years old; I have no idea what she was saying. The only thing I could do was invite her to sit with me and watch them build. I really enjoyed her sitting with me. She wanted to take some pictures with my iPhone and look at the pictures after we took them. It broke my heart when she saw my water bottle and wanted a drink from it. We are not allowed to share with them because we don’t have enough to share with everyone. She tried quite a few times to take my water and I continued to tell her no. She did not get mad or upset, just continued to play with me and watch them work. I pray that she will be able to come back when the playground is completed and enjoy it. Thanks everyone for the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are feeling better Bex! We are praying for you. Love you - Mom
