
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 6 | Lane

Had a good day. Russell & I spent the morning trying to uproot a tree stump. Roots here are unlike anything we have in WV. They grow in every direction. After the first group of 12 came back from the market/scenic tour, it was our turn. The market was just like it’s depicted on tv: cattle, goats & pigs being sold on the street. There were ladies selling produce from their garden. It was so packed. Not an inch of unused selling space. We didn’t film anything while there because we would have started a riot. Trey was the barterer of our group. He bought 15 habanero peppers for roughly 60 U.S. cents. 6 avacados for $2.40, and several other fruit items. A woman grabbed my butt, but didn’t call me Big Poppy like they did Mickey on the first group’s trip. At the roadside bakery, Trey was put to work handling bread dough. The bread was awesome! I’m also enjoying trying to have conversations with the Haitians. We’re sitting here listening to the Quinn & Gina blog show. They get the bulk of the blog replies (thanks to Ron) oh, and thanks Will for writing to Hannah. My side hurts! The experience here is beyond words. I’m most proud of my son!

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